Diecky K. Indrapraja
Founder, Musical Advisor
Was born in Malang, October, 16 1979. Graduated as Bachelor of Musical Arts at Sekolah Tinggi Musik Bandung in 2008 and graduated as a Master of Musical Arts Education in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung in 2012. Studying music composition through the Royke. Koapaha, Slamet A.Sjukur,Dieter Mack, Shin Nakagawa, Jody Diamond, Roderick de Man, and Armeno Alberts either formally or informally, in addition to its activity in the discussion with other Indonesian composers.

Nursalim Yadi Anugerah
Co-founder, Artistic Director
Nursalim Yadi Anugerah is a composer and multi-instrumentalist, whose works focus on sonic experimentation through cultural practice, knowledge, and cosmology of indigenous people and their activism related to entanglements of social-cultural and environmental issue in Kalimantan (Borneo).
His works have been staged in some concert and festival such as International Young Composers Meeting 2018 (The Netherlands), Gaudeamus Muziekweek 2018 (The Netherlands), AsiaTOPA 2020 (Melbourne, Australia), Holland Festival 2021, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). In 2021-2022, he is awarded by Prince Claus Mentorship Award for Cultural and Artists Response to Environmental Change by Prince Claus Foundation and Goethe Institut.
Nursalim Yadi Anugerah